As a design agency, we specialize in public and commercial environments. We usually work with the customer to find the best solution in all types of projects based on the need and function. We are the design link between the architect and the furniture supplier. All of our projects follow an elaborate work process that we ourselves have developed to make sure that the project never loses momentum and goes all the way to the finish line. During our active years, we have had the great honor and privilege of working with successful companies both in Sweden and around the world.
We believe that the key to a successful project lies in a close relationship with the customer. To constantly strive for more efficient utilization of square meters and that a critical approach gives ambition and the striving forward. Furnishing and the environments we live in have a decisive impact on our well- being, a well-thought-out interior creates more attractive employers while strengthening the brand. Innovation and design create new meetings between people and open spaces provide a more efficient and transparent organization. Finally, the right choice of furniture can replace many less flexible functions.

Our Industrial designers, architects, interior architects, and visual merchandisers are all educated on a university level and now also teaching at universities. We are functional designers, not stylists or decorators.
Management idea
PLYM’s idea of management is to not manage. Every designer is responsible for their own time and projects. At PLYM you are free to work whenever and wherever you feel most suitable for your projects, as long as the client is satisfied and the projects are moving forward with good results.
Freedom and social sustainability link us together at PLYM. We believe in a future with good human meetings. Talking to each other is a basic need just like breathing air. We prioritize being efficient at work to be able to spend our time with the other more important meetings – with our family & friends.
Every project we do is different from the other, simply because the needs of one company is not the same as the needs of another company. The spaces we work with are not ours and we are not the users, that is why we always look into the costumer’s needs before anything else. We come from a small country but nevertheless a country that has created big companies that makes a difference in the world.